
Sunday, April 29, 2007

First Guild PQ!

We finally completed our first guild PQ! Our point is now 655 :)

We completed the quest only after re-doing it several times as many people keep dc-ing. We only had 6 people. When we finished the gpq it was 5am in the morning!! YAWN~!

nonametoputlah and WanTanZai quitted their guilds temporary to join us for our gpq as we were short of people. WanTanZai is a really good jumper. I think he can solo room of Glory himself!! Currently he is thinking of joining our guild! What a good way to recruit members!

Above: Jin and DDB doing the statue quest. 2 person is enough for this stage. Jin is pretty good but too bad he dc-ed halfway and never came online again.

Above: My first time making to the top! This is the 2nd jump quest I've done in maple so far after zak quest 2! LOLz

Above:...and this is the 3rd jump quest I've done so far! haha!! Room of Justice! Climb to the top to drop the sword found in room of Glory.

Above: I had to play dardarboi's noob (xkampongb0yx) as we couldn't find a low level player to do gpq with us. This ss shows me jus as I'm doing the self-sacrifice. One member has to drop his/her earring to open the door but dropping the earring will cause one to die and lose 1% exp.

Ah dit, DDB, Keat, Nonametoputlah & WanTanZai all gathering up to charge ahead. Dunno what WanTanZai is doing :P

Above: Yeah we finally finished!! We defied all odds.
1.We had no DK (they said HB was necessary),
2.We did not have anyone above lvl 120 (they said only above that lvl can kill Eragoth)
3.We did not use hack!!

Eragoth was killed purely by DDB's meso bombs!! Yes he solo-ed! :D

Above: Chatting after gpq has ended. The rest went to sleep.

Nice Glitch!

If only I can be lvl 110 >.

I did not edit this!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Zak Quest 1 Solo!!

Yea! My first try at Zakum Quest 1 Soloing - took me 12minutes and 30 seconds to collect all 7 keys, get blown out thrice and kill all spawned monsters using drain =D

That's 0.46 exp in 12minutes and 30 seconds. Is this fast exp? F6

17minutes and 30 seconds left right after I talked to the NPC:

Keat and I also tried doing the complete Zak Quest 1 together. Unfortunately we only got 7 keys and 23 documents when time was up. So close to getting all 30 scrolls!! Personally I manage to get 4 keys and 16 documents on my end :P

Anyone want to do Zak Quest 1?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Something Different

I haven't been mapling these few days as I've been busy with projects.

I've just gotten home now.

Just wanna share something cute with everyone:

Aren't these cupcakes lovely? <3

Monday, April 16, 2007

49wa Musashi Claw & other items!

My dear scrolled an above average stats musashi claw on Sunday!! YEAH!

He kept asking me whether he sld put a 30% in the last slot and we were hesitating for very long because if it exploded he would lose close to 100m. We waited awhile before our guts told us it was a good time, and my dear put in the final scroll... It passed!!

Product as shown below:

My dear has a website with pictures of scrolled items that he's selling. He uses it as a picture link from the maplesea forum. He scrolls as hobby, then sells to clear inventory. If you're interested, do leave an offer bid in his forum, pm him or drop a comment. Tks!

Click here to view On Sale Scrolled Equips

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Zakum Quest 1 & 2

All thanks to Keat, I manage to finish both Zakum Quests in a day!! YeAh~!! He healed me most of the time and even taught me how to jump!!

First, to accomplish zak quest 2, I had to do zak quest 1.

Keat convinced me that I could solo zak quest so I tried (with Keat's help of course) and managed to finish it 5 minutes before the time was up. It was not only my first time doing it just in pairs but also my first time being the leader!! I had to read up on what to do with they 7 keys and such and which map to go to..@-@

It was 12+midnight by then that we started quest 2. It was my first time doing a jumping quest! I always skipped jumping quests thinking that they weren't important - who knew they were meant to prepare u for zak quest 2! So now I have no choice but to do it if I want to fight zakum in future..

Quest 2 had two parts. It took me about an hour to finish the 1st part and I had consumed about 100 supreme hotdogs by then >.< . I dropped into the lava in the middle of the journey several times but luckily Keat jumped down to heal me as I walked all the way back!! XIE XIE NI KEAT! By the time we finished part 1, it was 1.49am. Fortunately going through part 1 built up my confidence for part 2. We had a toilet break before we began :)

We finished part 2 around 2am+. It was a great feeling! I dropped several times near the beginning! - at an area that had top and bottom machines shooting in opposite directions - But once I made through that part, it was a smooth jump to the end without any falls! Yeah!

Watching the video also taught me what to look out for at the end. For those who have yet to complete, this video would be of great help and encouragement to you!

Here are a list of more difficult jumping videos. Watch and copy and I'm sure you'll succeed!

  • John's Last Present - who the heck puts flowers behind all that crap?!?
  • Sabitrama's Diet Medicine - I would rather let Sabitrama become fat
  • Sabitrama's Anti-Aging Medicine - Maybe Sabitrama should learn to get the medicine himself and we reward him with ores
  • Saturday, April 14, 2007

    noob kser at coolie

    Today is saturday and there was 2x exp from 630pm - 930pm. Some noob kser took advantage of Jokerism's computer lagginess to ks so I came to help.

    Within a few seconds, the 'kser', or rather the 'Ko-er', hang on the rope.

    All he did was complained while hanging on the rope and refuse to come down to let me ks. After I taunted him a few times to come down, he did but went to hide in the corner of the map and dark-sighted (shown above)! I took advantage of that moment to ss him in his cowardly act! ROFL

    Within seconds, he vanished. Not sure if he cc-ed or logged-out (most probably will pee in his pants at the sight of our guild logo again :D).

    Yes, I know I'm so bad...but he should probably do a reality check before trying to ks. He brought this to himself. If he didn't come to ks, he wouldn't end up like this -

    peeing in his pants as he scurry off like a rat;
    and ended up as another entry of amusement in my blog. XD

    Thursday, April 12, 2007

    Buddy Quote of the Day - Blynx

    Pink Capes like Giordano.. good comparison! LMAO

    (PS: Last time 2wa clean pink cape was 100m and 95m was considered cheap!
    4wa pink cape was non-existent!)

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Daddie, marmiie and nu-er

    It's parenting time today!

    Dear and I spent some time to chat with our nu-er about issues like :

    ...exercising more :P..

    not to anyhow kiss strangers or one will fall sick...

    or not to anyhow put things in one's mouth XD

    Some how we side-tracked and talked about towels..

    As family we share things with one another (even if it's in our mouth) LMAO

    We're such good parents our daughter can even talk to us about her new 'love'!

    We have a monk playing maple?!?!

    Our nu-er seems to be a confused gal..

    but nevermind the contradictions.. we understand de .. LOLz

    Monday, April 9, 2007

    I'm so Lame...

    ... that I accidentally used my Shadow Partner (SP) at Orbis town today.

    So much for reserving my very first sp on some high level monster. I totally screwed it with my butter fingers.. : (

    And mean old Staff Sergeant Charlie who was around the corner was laughing at me!

    Saturday, April 7, 2007

    Another KS at Coolie

    Today someone tried to KS my coolie map again.

    A level 70 Priest (babykenny8).

    Notice how I mentioned tried because I ended up KSing him. He was so fed up that he said 'F U!' (and I felt like adding an 'N' to it..LOLZ). How funny it was because he can't tell me to CC or called me KSer even though I was really kill-stealing his kills - after all it was my map.

    After being KSed and F2 by me for a few minutes, he logged off. Good thing he ran fast because I was also about to give him a free defame.

    My bf was very nice. Even though the priest had left, he took the trouble to take a ship from Aqua to visit me at my map : ) So Sweeeet!

    Hmm.. btw maybe we sldn't call them kser because they didn't get to ks. Maybe we should call them losers or KOers. (KO = Knock Out)

    There, you've learnt a new vocab today -

    failed KSers = KOers XD


    Luckie's Maple Dictionary

    - a person, team, guild group, etc., who completely failed at KSing someone (thus termed as being knocked-out)

    -usually use on player(s) with noob level or noob damage or both, in relation to the other

    Wednesday, April 4, 2007

    Server is down

    Aww.. thought I could level today given that I'm at 85%....

    I was so bored so I did this:

    Notice that the first letter of each World = DC ba! XD

    My Guild History

    People always ask me why I change guild, why I guildless, why I quit guild, why suddenly new guild blah blah...

    So here are my answers for quiting guilds, therefore guildless at times, thus joining new guilds every once in awhile:

    nobody online at the time I play;

    or people online but don't chat;

    or people online and chat but about things I don't really relate to;

    or the Guild Master sux;

    or irritating JR(s);

    or 'permanent' members in the guild are annoying;

    or I don't like the guild ranking names;

    or I don't relate to the guild name;

    or simply to support my grand er zi's new guild by joining it instead :p
    I was looking at some old screenshots and realised that almost every one of them showed me in different guilds!

    Here's a montage of my guild history:

    I am DRgalz

    mThe MSN Evidence @ 4/3/2007 10:23:51 PM

    Keat: i wan to laugh le
    Keat: wahahahahahahha

    Me: laugh what thing?
    Keat: "By the way Keat used to call me sin galz but I didn't like being called sin gal because that's what alot of people who walk into my map call me. So I told Keat I would only respond if he calls me a Hermit and that is how hermitgalz came about! Anyway since now I am a hermit, shouldn't someone be calling me Dark Road instead? :P "
    Me: wahahahahhahahahah
    Keat: hermitgirlz thing lor
    Me: hahaha!!

    Me: muz call me dark Road ... (giggling while typing)
    Keat: ya (still can ya somemore :P)
    Me: kakaka!!
    Keat: okie....nx time call u dark road girlz ...but then too long
    Me: then call what?
    Me: then DRgalz?
    Keat: okie !!!!!
    Keat: @_@

    Tuesday, April 3, 2007

    Cool Coolie Glitches!!

    A few days ago I noticed that coolie map 3 was having some glitches. At first I thought there was a hacker but after CC-ing a few channels I found that almost every alternate channel had the same bug - 2 coolies walking in the sky!

    You have to be abit more observant to catch it because even if you log in, you will only see the coolie feet (see top left screenshot) unless you jump up (see top right screenshot).

    And of course the coolie rope thing has been there for ages! Most people, especially sins, already knew, because they have to jump very often and sometimes will get stuck on those ropes!! Quite irritating actually!

    So much for glitches! Maple not doing their job wor.. tsk tsk!! Anyone spotted any other glitches please send me your screenshots and I will credit you XD

    Sunday, April 1, 2007

    Things to do when you're bored - Part 1

    Sell Random People at the Free Market

    1. Stand near the Fm entrance portal and wait for people to log in
    2. Quickly type 'S>insert ign of the person who appears'
    3. Get buddies to role play e.g your buddy can say 'B>insert ign here Offer Mii!'
    4. Proceed to auction downwards on the price of the person till it drops to 1 meso
    5. Now say 'Congratulations! insert ign sold to insert buddy name!'

    #Tip: stip your character naked so you would look more like one of those crazy meso-begging noobs in the FM. LOLz.

    ***Idea by xluckiex <3> ***

    Selling Warhermit

    Selling RubyNami


    Keat is always calling me hermitgalz and one day Boom discovered that there IS a hermit called hermitgalz!! LMAO

    By the way Keat used to call me sin galz but I didn't like being called sin gal because that's what alot of people who walk into my map call me. So I told Keat I would only respond if he calls me a Hermit and that is how hermitgalz came about! Anyway since now I am a hermit, shouldn't someone be calling me Dark Road instead? :P

    Kser at Coolie

    Yesterday night keat (xxxhitmanxx) and I were training together when this annoying level 86 hermit 'Omrpanda' came to ks. I asked him to cc so many times he just wouldn't. His damage is about the same as mine which means it's quite noob considering that I'm level 72. LMAO XD

    BeeChief and Peacefulboy came to help ks this panda hermit until the hermit stopped when he realised his efforts were futile! It was quite lame because he was standing at the top platform splurting all the colorful language he knew in his oh-so-limited-vocabulary but both Peaceful and I didn't care and continued training

    By the way keat leveled last night and I'm half my way to level 73. YEAH! :D