
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Another KS at Coolie

Today someone tried to KS my coolie map again.

A level 70 Priest (babykenny8).

Notice how I mentioned tried because I ended up KSing him. He was so fed up that he said 'F U!' (and I felt like adding an 'N' to it..LOLZ). How funny it was because he can't tell me to CC or called me KSer even though I was really kill-stealing his kills - after all it was my map.

After being KSed and F2 by me for a few minutes, he logged off. Good thing he ran fast because I was also about to give him a free defame.

My bf was very nice. Even though the priest had left, he took the trouble to take a ship from Aqua to visit me at my map : ) So Sweeeet!

Hmm.. btw maybe we sldn't call them kser because they didn't get to ks. Maybe we should call them losers or KOers. (KO = Knock Out)

There, you've learnt a new vocab today -

failed KSers = KOers XD


Luckie's Maple Dictionary

- a person, team, guild group, etc., who completely failed at KSing someone (thus termed as being knocked-out)

-usually use on player(s) with noob level or noob damage or both, in relation to the other

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